

The vision of the Postgraduate Study Program “Environmental Communication and Health Promotion” of the Department of Public and Community Health of the School of Public Health of the University of West Attica is inspired by the need to form a society where health and the environment are treated as an indivisible system that governs all the manifestations of our individual and social life. The orientation of the program is described in the following axes:


  1. Health Promotion: Encouraging healthy lifestyles and practices that contribute to health development and disease prevention.
  2. Environmental Communication: Bringing together scientific and communication skills to inform and raise public awareness about environmental issues and problems.
  3. Sustainability: Promoting sustainable development through environmental protection, conservation of natural resources and awareness of the environmental consequences of human activities.
  4. Intercultural Understanding: Developing skills and understanding of different cultures and different approaches to health and the environment.
  5. Research and Innovation: Promoting research and innovation in matters related to health, environment and communication.


Students participating in this program can develop the knowledge and skills needed to respond to contemporary challenges related to health and the environment, while promoting sustainable development and the well-being of society.


Object – Purpose

The purpose of the master is to provide a high level of postgraduate education in the scientific field of Environmental Communication and Health Promotion by providing them with specific information and critical assessment skills on environmental issues that undoubtedly cause a variety of public health effects. These skills will enable them to participate in and lead decision-making processes, thus determining the quality of health and the environment for decades to come.